villagers // waves

i have been a fan of the amazing band villagers helmed by the very talented (understatement) conner j. o’brien and although the band’s sophomore album ‘awayland’ is due to drop january 3rd i highly recommend checking out the band’s debut release becoming a jackal to get a feel for this band’s complete mastery of intelligent and thematic indie-pop. in my humble estimation this is a band more people should become familiar with, you’ll thank yourself later. after the jump check out the video for the song, “waves” and enjoy. peace. Continue reading

Villagers – Becoming A Jackal (Acoustic)

I was listening to old playlists today on my iPod and I came across this gem. It is a song taken from the Villagers stellar 2010 debut album Becoming A Jackal. I’ve posted an acoustic version of the song below, which features lead singer Conor O’Brien singing his heart out. The song “Becoming A  Jackal” is unlike any other song I’ve ever heard (as is the entire album). It is primal and a bit dark, and if you listen closely it definitely speaks to several of our most human characteristics: survival, fear and loneliness. Kind of makes you want to run naked through the woods, or maybe not. Check it out. Peace.

Villagers – Becoming a Jackal (acoustic) from MatthewJAnthony on Vimeo.